Our Top 5 Tips!
Blogs are a great way to market your products and services as a startup. These cost next to nothing and are a great way of introducing your business on the internet.
But it can be difficult to be regular with posts which are extremely necessary if you want to forge a deep connection with your audiences. Slacking off the publishing calendar isn’t really an option when your blog is the key to your entrepreneurial success. If you don’t update your blog in a timely manner, chances are that the distribution you so vigilantly cultivated has all but vanished in favor of greener, more frequently updated pastures.
If you're under pressure to come up with new ideas to fill these blog posts, we have compiled some ideas that can get you writing and updating that blog in no time.
Find Your Best Writing Times
Inspiration hits some of us really early in the morning, while others feel creative while burning the midnight oil. Find a time that works best for you, and then give yourself at least 30 minutes of pure peace and quiet to help you get started writing. Simply set aside some time each day during your productive periods for working on blog posts.
Keep an Idea List
Always have a small writing pad and a pen handy. Inspiration can strike anywhere, anytime so be ready to jot it down! Later on, refer to your writings and further explore an idea or a concept that strikes your fancy.
Outsource and Edit
If you absolutely cannot find the time and energy to update your blog, hire help. Don’t forget to edit whatever they write in order for the writings to reflect your writing style. If you’ve blogged for some time your audience will know your tone of voice, they know something’s not quite accurate with the post. So it is important to edit any work you get from a writer so that it sounds like you.
Link Round-ups
This is a type of blog post that doesn’t involve a lot of work on your part and yet provides your readers with new and interesting reading content.
As an alternative to writing an entire post of fresh content, gather round links to attention-grabbing articles published throughout your industry. Then list them down into a new post on your own blog. Let your readers know the significance of these articles and why they should read these in a few words. When getting content to create link round-ups, be certain that you pull it from trustworthy websites in your own industry and related fields.
And don’t worry, you won’t lose any readers by putting them onto other sites, but the readers will appreciate you a lot more for it. You can also share another author’s content and build rapport with him or her.
It is important to get your ideas from the right place. Make good use of the bookmarks function on your internet browser. Visit forums, Q&A sites, article directories, social media sites, niche websites and other blogs in and out of your industry. One advantage of visiting forums and question & answer sites is that you can come across questions and queries regarding your industry. How about making up an answer for that question and putting it up as a blog post? You will be contributing positively to the internet and benefiting your blog at the same time.
If You Fake It, It shows!
Don’t push yourself to blog if you don’t want to. If you force the words and try to come up with a post that is funny and interesting and all kinds of good, you won’t be successful. To top it off, the readers can always tell when an effort is forced and when it just flows. So wait till you have some actual, real inspiration. Just don’t make it a habit!
The trouble with blogging is that it takes time. It takes a lot of energy and time to research and write. If you’re an entrepreneur already armed with a daily to-do list, the last thing on your mind is that blog. If you are already an established business person with an exacting routine, then maybe you feel that blogging should be done by somebody else. Whatever the case may be, skipping on your blog isn’t really an option. Keep in mind that your blog posts are working for you 24/7, promoting your business when you are busy fulfilling other responsibilities.