By Joel Mandre
Powerful renegades know that if they want to trample the competition, they need to be prepared with a web strategy that puts them miles above the competition. This means taking a look at key areas and doing what you can to become the authority in your niche that people begin to rely on.
Boosting the Strength of Your Website
It is critical when you are utilizing the internet for business to ensure that you are maximizing the channels and promotional items that are at your disposal. That begins by taking the time to ensure that your website is as strong as it can be. It should be fully optimized according to the latest search engine standards, while ensuring that a mobile-friendly version of the website is in place to ensure better browsing for tablets and phones.
At the same time, you need to ensure that you are producing high quality web content that attracts visitors and keeps them on your website. Quality content is going to be the wave of the future and no longer are the 350 – 500 word articles actually going to cut it. You need to have in depth content that appeals to the reader and gives them as much critical information in one place as possible.
Search Engine Optimization is Still Critical
Second to the content you fill your website, the SEO work you are doing is equally important. On your website, you need to ensure that you continue to monitor the standards that are in place. This includes ensuring that search bots can crawl your website, there are no known 404 errors, better structuring your 301 redirects, ensuring that your URL parameters are correct and above all, your content remains unique.
If you “borrowed” content, then you need to rewrite it so that you don’t have a plagiarism count against you. If you wrote the content, revise it to where it is unique.
Be Social with Social Media
Social media has become a bone of discontent for many business owners. The problem is that only about 12% of those following your social media account actually end up seeing a majority of your posts.
At the same time, many people find that business accounts turn many accounts are riddled with spam. Ideally, you will post information on your website that deals 50% with business and then spend the other 50% of your time interacting with customers and ensuring that they look forward to their interactions. While some companies do turn to customer service issues to handle this, it is actually a better idea to refer those with questions to your actual customer service department to get the answers that they are looking for.
Above all, keep posting. There should never be a day that goes by that has no post from you. Instead, setup things so a humorous post, a brand message and a witty post are placed on social media each day. Then make a little time to interact with your customers and encourage them to visit your website.
The Free Sample Debate
Free samples are an incredible way to get your product in front of people and to encourage them to explore your line further. The problem is that there are people online who have no interest in your product or services. Instead, they seek out the free samples posted online and will drain your supply that was intended for interested parties.
In some cases, it can pay off to limit the number of people who can receive a free sample each day. This can discourage the freebie hunters and ensure that you aren’t being taken advantage of.
Say Goodbye to the Box
You will read on the internet how one approach worked for someone. When you try it yourself, you find that your results are very different from theirs. The reason is that when they took the initiative, they thought outside of the box and took a different approach to building their website and handling it online. Once their approach became public, everyone else was following this approach and there is a good chance by that point, the company who revealed their secret ended up thinking outside of the box again to keep themselves a powerhouse on the internet.
That is perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind. The people online are those who break free from the pack and begin to look at new ways to do things. As long as they don’t violate the requirements of the search engines and aren’t unethical or illegal, consider taking your own unique approach to success. You just might find that you end up having better results than you could have ever dreamed of.
Add Yourself to Google Maps
If you have a physical location, being on Google maps is going to be critical. Those in your area are going to be able to find your business easier even if their search was focused on a term in the area, rather than your business itself.
The internet can be one of the most powerful tools you have access to. Online businesses need to learn how to maximize their impact on it, while brick and mortar locations need to ensure that they are visible to interested patrons searching in their area.